
The Untold Story


Irish History
by Province

New Brunswick


Nova Scotia




Thomas D'Arcy McGee

Long, long ago, beyond the misty space
Of twice a thousand years,
In Erin old there dwelt a mighty race,
Taller than Roman spears...
--Thomas D'Arcy McGee (The Celts)

"Many men contributed to confederation but it was McGee who mobilized the popular enthusiasm that made it possible. "

William G. Davis

Thomas D'Arcy McGee was only Canadian poltician ever ot be assinated. However, that event overshadows the remarkable influence this eloquent and principled man had upon the development of Canada as we know it today. Here are a few articles aboout his illustrious career:

Thomas D'Arcy McGee: Irish Founder of the Canadian Nation by William G. Davis.

From Freedom to Tolerance: D'Arcy McGee, the First Martyr by Robin B. Burns

More Reading About D'Arcy McGee

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